I made this blog as an outlet of my thoughts, my points of view, interests, beliefs, emotions and decisions. Here I can be who I really am without anyone criticizing and judging me. I am a PCOS warrior, longing for a child of our own.
Dont s¡MplY thAnk God dAt you hAve mUch wh¡lE 0thErs hAve l¡ttlE.ThAnk H¡m bEcaUse He hAs ch0sEn t0 blEss you & ¡n rEtUrn bE a blEss¡ng t0 0thErs. Have a blessed day everyone.
I made this blog as an outlet of my thoughts, my points of view, interests, beliefs, emotions and decisions. I am a PCOS warrior, longing for a child of our own.
I am a simple woman who can be extremely happy with anything that goes with the color blue. I love writing especially when emotions fill my life and each course made me learn optimistically lessons I will carry for a lifetime.
A year and half have pass by since our wedding, turning 28 this august and still wasn't bless with a child. Loving a man who has made my life immeasurably beautiful, exciting and strong. A man who is undeniably, one extremely patient, kind and sweet. I have been in love with the same man a billion times stronger than yesterday. I have been a PCOS warrior; hoping, praying, longing and waiting for a precious child to complete our family.
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