2006-diagnosed with pcos
-6 months duphaston-failed
-changed OB-Gyne twice
-AUB just took hemostan and Iberet=resolved
-Cyst declared by last OB to disappear
2007-living life with work and my then Boyfriend.
2008-got married tried as soon as possible to conceived-failed
-pcos again
-after 6 months went to new OB advised to take metformin to
regulate menstrual period and was give 1 time clomid but failed.
-rest, no OB, tried natural way=failed
2009-October-changed to RE was advised to take humamet for 6 months
-Nov & Dec. tried 1 cycle clomid-failed
-Feb-HSG shows normal uterus, was advised to try to conceived naturally for
3 months=failed.
-May- skip my period but no pregnancy was advised take provera.
-June 11, 2010 on 2nd day of period was advised to take clomene 2x a day for 5 days
scheduled for transvaginal ultrasound on the 21 1st.
-The last utz was a failure no mature folicle seen.
-Started taking green barley herbal medicine advised by a friend 7/5/2010
Life With My Drunk Father
4 years ago