Sorry Pepz, I am rushing while making this so bear with me, I will edit this as soon I can.
50 first date- A movie that makes all people believe in the true essence of unconditional love. It is a light comedy-love story that exactly pin the heart of every people who has watch it.
Sweet November-This movie has captured the hearts of many viewers. A story of a dying woman who wants to live her life as much as she can and wanted to teach a man to value each day of his life.
Dying Young-I have this movie when I was in High School and has never been forgotten by my heart.
My Favorite Movies

My Favorite Song
Thank God I found You by Mariah Carey. This song perfectly describes what I feel for my dear husband. He has saved my lost soul who was crying in the dark, when I felt the world has forsaken me he was there beside me. He has brought a great sense of meaning in my life. Looking back as he always says that he could never forget the time when we first broke up " if we are meant to be, destiny will look for a way and we will be together forever" Indeed, destiny and faith has brought us back together. I dream for a man to love me and make me feel the sense of belonging. A man who would give me the love that was deprived from me. After all the heartaches and being lost I was bless with a man I dream of and more. Yes, I would give up everything and gave anything for a man who has given me a reason to live. As we journey together to have our own child I am thankful that he never lose hope and very optimistic in winning this battle. Honestly, I am scared that I may not give him a complete family, a child of his own; that he may leave me. But then again if GOD has bless me with a good man like him I know he will bless us with an angel that will complete this family. Thank God he brought him back again to me.
For All of My Life. It may seems funny to know that we feel in love in this song in a videoke bar. But yes we found the song or the song found us. When we sing or hear this song no matter how far we may be our eyes would met, a smile in our face and the sweet word of I love You is what we do.
Then a song from our local artist "You are the One". They say I look and act like the artist of the song and when we both heard her sing this song just like a snap we look at each other and we knew that the song capture our hearts. Hope you enjoy this too.
30 Day Blog Journal
Re posted from
Thought I should try doing this too.
Day 1 - your favorite song
Day 2 - your favorite movie
Day 3 - your favorite television program
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your dream house
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - a dream for the future
Wrong way!
PERIOD! I have no choice but to accept that your here despite being delayed for 15 days and trying hard not to hope for nothing again. I knew that you would come, you always do and I hate you for doing so. Seems that I am getting used to the fact that your always or you wouldn't come at all. Though even if you didn't come I know I shouldn't hope for something good to happen 'cause you always ruin everything I dream. Don't you have anything good to offer me?! Everyday the burden I carry is getting heavier and pain slowly inflicts deeply in my innermost being. As I lay down in my bed looking at my sleeping, loving husband tears slowly flows in my eyes praying that I could give him a child. My heart bleeds every time I look at him longing and hoping for his own child. Period, what have you done to my life? Would you care to be a balance in my life?!Your going in a wrong way and your destroying my life!
I was checking my facebook account and came across to one of my friends post, which she exultantly announced her pregnancy. Then it struck me again, a sharp pain and sadness in my heart. Seems like most of my friends nowadays are happily becoming pregnant while I am trying for quite sometime but failed to do so. Last month was a month full of psychological exhaustion and I was beat down. I took some ovamit pills and had an transvaginal ultrasound for follicle monitoring but AGAIN it failed, I failed, seems like I always do. Where do I go? working in a hospital makes me encounter pregnant woman and their children, which makes the whole in my heart bigger, deeper and painful. People keep telling me not to stress my self thinking about my hearts wish to have my own child; and yes I am trying to do. This blog is my niche, this is were I can shout, scream, cry and laugh; I can say whatever I want, whenever and no matter what. Regardless of how I am doing my best not to pressure my self and not allowing sadness take control of my life, I am still dying inside.
Often times we humans tend to be more emotional and deeply engrossed when sadness or adversity take a ride in our life. All the questions and confusions that surround us are like hurricanes that strongly sweeps away all our optimistic character and we become vulnerable. Where do life take me when all I want is to have a child?! will it happen or will I hope for nothing? Suddenly the world seems too dark, seemingly I hear no melody in my life, quietly I want to scream and shout?! Do I make sense?! Does anyone hear my cry? Does anyone know how I can heal this wound inside? WHEN CAN I HAVE and HOLD you in my life?! Someone please help me be strong and optimistic as I fought this battle in my life.
My Quotes
My Quotes
"Find solace within yourself not from anyone else, listen deeply to your innermost voice, if u want to cry don't stop yourself. No strong man can withstand all this trials without being weak, we can only comprehend courage & strength by going through vulnerability & fears. Hold on steadfastly from deep within, today you can be weak and accept the things you can't comprehend but tomorrow is another day, a day to restart and stand again. "