Feels like there is no way out,
No one hears the loudest pain I feel.
Seems like darkness surrounds my way,
Tears keep flowing day by day.
Hope seems no where to find when one is succumb in abase,
The dream you long seems to fade away.
Profound sadness utters words of pain,
Lost in the woods full of thorns and blades.
Thick fogs and cold air,
The pain is hard to bear.
Tears keep flowing,
As I keep walking.
All day as you sat and cry,
But you still feel empty inside.
Confusions and illusions,
Lost in the Labyrinth of Depression.
Labyrinth of Depression

Welcome to Our Friendship Little Angel !
Today, I am overwhelmed. I am happy yet I am a bit sad. A priceless and wonderful blessing was given to one of my dearest friend, a child. In her womb a miracle is growing sent from heaven above. Our friendship is bonded by faith and by faith we have been stronger, jubilant and better. Yhaz, Cat and Cha you three has always been there supporting me closely to pray for what I have been waiting and longing for. I could never be so thankful enough to have been bless with friends who love me and my husband dearly. The prayers we have shared together has made us strong for each other. Everyday, I always look forward to somehow talk or even just see a glimpse of you to make my day worthwhile. Now, that a precious angel is given to our friend I am delighted and exultant that our friendship will be bonded by this little blessing.
Yhaz, treasure this priceless blessings sent from above and rest assured that we will always be by your side. I for one would never allow anyone to hurt both of you and regardless of what people may think and say I'm proud to be part of your life. Thank you for sharing me this wonderful blessing you have right now, for making me a part of both of you. Each day I would always pray that everything will be alright between you and your family. Don't be afraid of the things that may come for I know GOD will never leave your side and we will always be here to guide you all through the way.
Our journey is just starting and I know this journey will be amazing, meaningful and fruitful. Thank you my friends for keeping me sane and insane. :D Thank you for welcoming me in your life. Welcome to our friendship our precious angel. WE all Love you.
Started taking ovamit from June 11-15. Just praying and hoping that this time it'll be a success. I'm trying so hard to be optimistic and hopeful; somewhat trying not to pressure my self thinking too much over this. Waiting for the 21 to have a trans vaginal ultrasound. I pray that everything is healthy and positive results will come.
Cold Hearted
Why are you so inconsiderate, cruel, and unfair?! Why do you treat us like this?! You always think about just yourself, you never think the pain you inflict to someone else. Your too high to reach, your to strong to tame, the price we pay just to avoid chaos in our place; belittled by you and your such a disgrace. If you think you are right and we are wrong why do you still have to scorn us all along?! Is it right to be unfair to someone who keep their pain in silence for the greater good?! If you are all right could you just please don't crashed us and inflict this unfair treatment?! I am sure your conscience doesn't make you sleep nor keeping your so called friend make you a better person. What is the essence of having what you claim to be your truest friend when you belittle someone else for the sake of them?! Is it right or unfair?! Be true to yourself on what you have done am sure if somehow you have a conscience you would understand but if your a low person with a fierce, unfair, cruel personality then I pity you, you don't have a heart!!!!! Your such a cold hearted!!!!