Happy Birthday Mama Mary

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 4:00am
Dear Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth, we thank you for all the understanding and kindness you have undeniably given us. Despite all the pains and sadness we may have caused your good heart, you never still depart from us. When we are down and in trial you have given us courage and strength to stand up and face it all. You have never abandoned us in all the endeavors that we face in this life and though sometimes we may have forgotten you; YOU have never forgotten US.

Mother, you love us all equally and unconditionally though we may have hurt you and your son. We have questioned YOU and your Beloved Son on the circumstances that we have faced and didn't understood, yet you have always been there to defend us. I could never forget a story about your teachings on praying the rosary; that each beads we prayed for, is equivalent to saving another soul. Oh Dear Mother I may have not really understood everything you have teach but I believe that in each prayer you humbly ask your beloved son to forgive a soul and help them enter the heavenly kingdom. You have taught us to pray with all our hearts and even if your in heaven you find ways to reach out to us, never leaving our side. Nothing is impossible with You and your beloved son; in every heartfelt prayer is a grace of answer.

With all the riches and happiness this world could gave us, it will never be greater than the LOVE you have amazingly showered us. On your Birthday Dear Mother I humbly ask for your forgiveness in all the tears that I have caused your eyes and the pain I have left in your heart. Heavenly Mother, each day I will try to be a good daughter to you; to follow your teachings and prayers, to help people forget hatred and learn to love, and to spread the good words in this world. Happy Birthday MAMA MARY. Please enlighten and Guide us all always.

In Jesus Name.


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